This is a very incomplete listing of comics and people who I think you should visit.
Sluggy Freelance-Worship the comic.
College Roomies From Hell!!!-CRFH has a great community, and is where ASCII and Doruk met. Two years of evolving storylines and great characters. Exploitation Now-The first web comic ASCII consistantly read, this great serial introduced him and Rob to the Keen community. 8 Bit Theatre-The cream of sprite comics. KeenSpace and KeenSpot-They host AOG(and a ton of other great comics), and perform really great service to the cartoonists and the readers alike! The Call of Whatever-Friends don't let eldritch friends drink. Period. RPG World-Ian is a great artist with a great comic. Sublime Visions -Mai-Li has been of great help the whole time I've been on the CRFH forums, and has made many of these mini banners. BellyFX -It's Belly, the ultimate... er... something. He has a shirt. I think. ASCII designed his site, but he had no say in the content(honest!). Annie the hardcore Gamer-A comic i found recently that's on my current links. Seems very nice, though I've yet to finish the archives. |
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